Parting of the Ways. The Variegated Ways of Separation between Jews and Christians and its Consequences for Modern Jewish-Christian Dialogue

Internationale Konferenz, 05.-08. September 2022

Veranstaltungsort: Sitzungssaal, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Wien, Schenkenstraße 8–10, 1010 Wien

Link zum Programm.



From 5th to 8th of September 2022 the RaT-cluster "Transformations of Jewish and Christian Identities in the Past and Present" has organized an international and interreligious conference in Vienna (convened by Markus Tiwald and Markus Öhler, generously founded by RaT by courtesy of Kurt Appel).
In the last decade the question of the so-called “parting of the ways”  between “Jews”  and “Christians” has become one of the most crucial items of New Testament exegeses – not only because of its intrinsic value for Jewish-Christian dialogue, but even more because our perception of New Testament scriptures has completely changed by the newly emerging consensus that the beginnings of what we today call “Christianity” was fully embedded in early Judaism in the first century CE. Today most scholars would agree that the “parting of the ways” did not occur at one place at a specific time, but was a long process that took place at different locations at different times and for different reasons and was not completed before the fourth century.  
In this conference, about twenty scholars from all over the world discussed the latest results of Judaic, biblical, and archaeological findings. The papers of this conference will be published in the peer reviewed open access Series of RaT.