International Congress "Rethinking Europe with(out) Religion", 20.-23. February 2013
The international and interdisciplinary congress "Rethinking Europe with(out) Religion" formed the finish of three years´ research activity of RaT.
On Wednesday, 20th February 2013 at 6:00pm the congress started with a lecture and a reception with free admission. The congress closed on Saturday, 23rd February 2013 at 1:30 pm.
The congress was held under the patronage of the representation of the European Union in Austria. The participant experts reflected on the religious and political transformation processes in European contemporary societies in the context of a growing pluralism. It investigated the political role that religion can play for the unification process of Europe in times of crisis.

Kurt Appel

Christopher Meiller and Rudolf Langthaler

Jürgen Habermas

Richard Potz, audience




Christian Danz

Translator´s cabin

Kristina Stoeckl

Angelika Walser

Regina Polak, Detlef Pollack, Kurt Appel

Cristina Lafont

Sabrina Ramet

Thomas Schmidt

Isolde Charim

Rudolf Kaisler, Pasieka

Katharina von Schnurbein

Julia Murao Permoser

Angelika Walser, Tahir Abbas

Tahir Abbas

Jakub Kloc-Konkołowicz

Sabrina Ramet

Rudolf Kaisler, Manuela Böhm
